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Recommendations for Employers on Employee Retention

Study on Employee Satisfaction and Job Changes

A study developed by Cubia examined the loyalty of employees to their employer. Over 1,300 respondents provided information on how long-term they see their relationship with their employer and why they might be willing to change. The study, carried out in July 2023 by the market research institute Bilendi on behalf of Cubia, found that more than one in three (35 percent) would ideally like to stay with the same employer for life.
60 percent stated that although their relationship with their employer was long-term, they would change a few times over the course of their working life – for example when their requirements changed. Five percent therefore regularly question their relationship with their employer and change employers more frequently.
The news agency dpa reported on our study.

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Studie zu Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit und Jobwechsel