New Feedback Questionnaire in Practical Test

A feedback questionnaire newly developed by our psychologists is now entering a crucial development phase: the new Cubia LEADING © questionnaire is undergoing its first practical test with selected Cubia AG customers.

Cubia LEADING © is a measurement instrument for leadership skills. The questionnaire contains the latest findings, interesting and important topics from current scientific research and thus provides a complete picture of the skills required by good managers.

A total of nine areas of competence are recorded, which are integrated into the dimensions of the well-known Great Eight model. The following dimensions are examined in detail:

Leadership Style

The style with which superiors lead their employees probably has the greatest influence on motivation, satisfaction and work attitude.


The way you deal with your colleagues and employees determines the climate of the organization. If the manager pays attention to good relationships and fair treatment, this will pay off positively in the company.


A manager with qualifications in the area of ​​cooperation and teamwork can achieve more positive effects. Because when the team functions properly, innovation and creativity as well as the exchange of knowledge are encouraged.


Conscientiousness has been shown to be a key factor in the work setting. It is linked to work success and integrity, for example.


In a dynamic working world, it is essential to quickly and actively transform visions into changes through decisions. A good leader should take the initiative when options open up.


In the constantly changing working environment, the ability to quickly adapt to new situations proves its worth, both in terms of personnel and technology.

Conflict Management

The ability to confidently handle critical situations at work is a distinctive leadership skill.

Ambition to Achieve

Healthy ambition promotes the achievement of personal and business goals and is characterized by motivation and job satisfaction.


To remain competitive, a manager must be open to innovation and change. Ideally, he or she will initiate innovations and actively support their implementation.


Effective management is extremely important for every company. Successful managers are characterized by their ability to sense critical developments, take countermeasures early on, and efficiently delegate tasks.

After this practical test, the results are subjected to extensive statistical analyses so that we can offer our customers a new, efficient and contemporary questionnaire for their feedback projects. The use of the Cubia LEADING © questionnaire is free of charge for Cubia AG customers.

For further information please feel free to contact us at any time.