Preparation, Conception and Planning of an Employee Survey
Our Services in the Preparation Phase
Clear goals, sufficient resources and a foreseeable time frame to complete the necessary tasks. Preparing an employee survey with our expert support will also make your project a success.

Project Management and Process Control
A senior project manager leads the project on behalf of Cubia AG and is available to our customer as a contact person for all questions throughout the entire project. The project manager draws up a project plan in consultation with the customer that includes time specifications and deadlines.
During the course of the project, the Cubia project manager’s job includes coordinating and monitoring compliance with the project plan. The project manager controls and advises the customer in all project steps in which the customer’s assistance is required.

Scientific Standards
The scientific quality of our work is very important to us. Several Cubia scientific partners work closely and practically on our projects. They provide their expertise, for example, in the development of strategic concepts, methodological considerations and the development of questionnaires.
Management reports and in-depth statistical analyses are part of the portfolio, as are workshops, presentations and consulting from management to departmental level.
They are important and valuable contacts for our customers.

Questionnaire Development
The questionnaire for the employee survey is a crucial criterion for success and quality. “Off-the-shelf” questionnaires do not offer the required quality and accuracy with regard to the individual situation and needs of the customer.
Cubia Approach
We do not work with a fixed questionnaire, but with an overall model of the influencing factors, from which we develop a questionnaire specifically tailored to the customer’s information needs and situation.
From research into work and organizational psychology, a good overall picture can be derived of which factors within an organization significantly influence the personal satisfaction of the workforce and which factors, based on this, influence the performance and cultural parameters of an organization, such as quality and customer orientation, but also satisfaction.
These factors include the motivational potential of the task, a procedurally fair reward system, individual learning opportunities, team climate, efficient processes, appreciative and developmental leadership behavior, a top management team that sets the direction, as well as an overall appreciative, learning-promoting culture and the absence of extremely strong stress factors. In addition to the framework conditions of the organization such as the quality of the working conditions or information and communication, our basic model is made up of these factors.
Cubia Question Pool
When developing questionnaires, we use this model as a guide and take into account the customer’s specific conditions and requirements.
Over the years, a pool of around 400 tried-and-tested questions has been created, from which a customer-specific, optimized questionnaire is put together when a new questionnaire is developed. New questions are developed as needed.
Steps to the Optimal Questionnaire for Our Customer
As part of the preparation and planning of the employee survey, the Cubia expert works closely with the customer to develop a suitable questionnaire and scale to measure employee satisfaction.
The basis for this is specifications from personal discussions with the customer’s managers. A Cubia MAB pre-survey can be carried out optionally.
Cubia Employee Survey – Pre-Survey
A good understanding of the information needs and expectations of management regarding the employee survey is essential for the success of the project.
Using a very short and attractive online questionnaire, the expectations of management and optionally other important people in the company regarding the employee survey are questioned and specified. The results are incorporated directly into the development of the questionnaire.
Benefits for the Customer’s Project Management
The Cubia MAB Pre-Survey is attractive and efficient to carry out, it only takes a few minutes.
The management and optionally other important persons/functions are involved in the employee survey process and questionnaire development.
The wishes of this group of people can therefore be taken into account when developing the questionnaire.
The internal “standing” of the employee survey is increased.
Benefit From Scientifically Based Expertise
Book a consultation now or request a non-binding offer directly.

Internal Marketing and Communication Concepts
As part of the preparation and planning of an employee survey, we support our customers with internal communication and promotion of the survey by making suggestions for the timing and sample texts/communication tools. We are happy to pass on the concepts and ideas we have accumulated over many years to our customers in order to support and ensure optimal communication support for the employee survey.

Works Council
Involvement of the Works Council
The involvement of existing employee representatives is essential for the acceptance and subsequent participation of employees. A high participation rate can only be achieved with the support of the works council or other committees.
Cubia is also available to these customer committees at any time and advocates a completely transparent, open approach to each other. Employee representatives will also pay great attention to maintaining the anonymity of those surveyed – Cubia is available to answer questions on this and has so far achieved the unconditional approval of the employee representatives for the planned survey procedures in all cases.
Further information on the involvement of employee representatives can be found on our specialist portal: www.mitarbeiterbefragungen.comOpen in new tab

IT Clarification
Interface Management with Internal Experts
The involvement of the customer’s IT department is essential; only with your help can we ensure that, for example, e-mail invitations to an employee survey are not filtered as spam and that the survey hosted by Cubia can be accessed smoothly from the respective company network.
Cubia provides detailed technical descriptions (white paper) for this purpose, and our IT experts are also available for technical exchange.

Data Processing Agreement
Clarification of Data Protection Aspects
Personal data is processed as part of an employee survey. For this purpose, a contract for order data processing in accordance with Art. 28 Para. 3 GDPR should be concluded after the order has been placed and before further project information is exchanged. The early involvement of the customer’s data protection officer is therefore recommended in any case.
The Cubia data protection officer provides all the necessary information and a contract template at a specialist level. In consultation with the client’s data protection officer, he ensures that the survey is carried out in accordance with the law.

Multilingual Surveys
Cubia can provide surveys in all languages. Our database already includes translations in over 50 languages.
The (newly developed) questionnaire and the accompanying texts (e.g. invitation email) will be translated by a professional translation agency commissioned by Cubia.
For quality assurance purposes, a test/optimization loop can then be carried out by the client’s native speakers in the respective countries/regions. Cubia has a suitable online tool for this or provides test email invitations and test access codes for the online questionnaire.
The Cubia Translation Check Tool enables the local reviewer to give the final approval of the texts. Once this has been done, the translations are technically blocked from further (accidental) changes.

Organizational Structures of an Employee Survey
Mapping of the Organizational / Evaluation Structure
The following process has proven to be effective for transferring the required data:
The client exports the data (in particular the organizational structure and required employee data) from an existing administration system (SAP or similar) in a machine-readable format (Excel, or similar) and transfers it to Cubia. Cubia can process all common machine-readable formats and adapts existing interfaces if necessary. Cubia then reports back the imported structures.
Cubia can also provide an Excel template and explanation to illustrate the organizational structures, which are filled out by the client (customer). In both cases, it should be noted that the manager of a unit is not part of this unit, but part of the unit of his/her superior. Otherwise, a self-assessment will take place for questions about the direct manager, which will distort the result.
Based on the organizational structures provided, groups (aggregated areas from several units) can be formed, which can later be created as a result report. For both unit and group reports, a jointly agreed evaluation limit of at least five responses received applies. If this evaluation limit is not met, no report may be created, which means that the responses are only taken into account in the next higher aggregation level.
If a preliminary survey was conducted, time comparisons between units and groups can also be determined, depending on how much the structures have changed or remained the same.