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Comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act – Efficiently and with High Quality

Risk Assessment of Psychological Stress in the Workplace

Implementation of the legal requirements for psychological risk assessment in the workplace as part of an employee survey with strategic information gain.

Introbild Gefährdungsbeurteilung psychischer Belastung

Compliance with Legal Requirements

Determine the Stress Levels of Your Employees

Take advantage of legal requirements and your own goals to improve your work situation and organizational development.

Our Services for Psychological Risk Assessment:

  • Full implementation and operational support
  • Tested questionnaire: online and/or on paper
  • Scientific advice and evaluation
  • Workshops for follow-up measures
  • Risk assessment as an individual project with individual or standard questionnaire
  • Risk assessment as part of an employee survey / organizational development

What is Meant by Psychological Stress in the Context of a Risk Assessment?

  • The ArbSchG is about recording and evaluating the objective psychological stress of an activity and not the resulting subjective stress on individual employees.
  • “The aim of the risk assessment is to filter out those stresses that lead to negative stress consequences and health risks for the majority of people, regardless of their prerequisites.” (VBG)
  • From an occupational psychology perspective, relieving and promoting conditions (resources) must always be recorded, as they help determine the effect of incorrect stress.