Interview with Board Member Matthias Diete on Management Feedback at the Deutsche Bundesbank

The HR magazine reports under the title “Kein Feedback von der Stange” (issue 8/18) in an interview with board member Matthias Diete on management feedback at the Deutsche Bundesbank and highlights the successful implementation of a comprehensive management feedback project at the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Cubia AG, a leading provider of employee surveys and 360-degree feedback, supported this major project with around 1,200 managers.

Development of the Feedback Project

The focus of the project was the development of a questionnaire that was tested for comprehensibility and acceptance in a pilot project. A particular focus was on data protection and data security in order to ensure the anonymity of the participants. Clear and transparent communication of the project goals helped to minimize reservations among the workforce.

Operational Challenges and Solutions

Operationally, data transfer was one of the biggest challenges. More than 10,000 electronic invitations and around 1,000 written invitations were sent out. At the end of the project, in addition to the cross-organizational management report, 1,200 evaluation reports were prepared for the individual managers.

Quality Assurance at the Deutsche Bundesbank

The biggest challenge was the culturally anchored zero-defect requirement of the Deutsche Bundesbank. Extensive quality assurance measures were necessary to meet the high standards. The Deutsche Bundesbank is an exceptional high-performance organization; working for it was a great challenge for Cubia AG.

Success Factors for High Participation Rates

High participation rates were achieved through transparency and clear communication. The fact that the questionnaire was based on management principles already known internally made it clear to everyone involved that this was not about “off-the-shelf” feedback. In addition, certification in handling sensitive data also contributed to the project’s success.

Recommendations for Large Employee Survey Projects

When planning large employee surveys, a detailed project plan should be drawn up early on and sufficient time reserves should be planned. This ensures a good representation of the organization’s individual (leadership) culture. The questions developed must ultimately reflect the needs and goals of the organization precisely.

Cubia AG shows how customized feedback projects can contribute to the successful development of companies. You can find the full interview hereOpen in new tab.